

開催日時:2021年8月21日(土) 13:0018:00










鞠 重鎬(クック ジュンホ)(東アジア経済経営学会会長)


 朱丙起(ジュビョンギ、ソウル大学校)氏の基調講演「Climate Emergency and Just Transition」では、温室効果ガスの過大排出による気候危機を共有地の悲劇の事例であり、国際的な強制機構なしには解決できない囚人のジレンマとして捉える。多くの貧しい国は経済開発のためのより多くの化石エネルギーを「生産」に投入せざるを得ず、そうして生産されたものを「消費」する豊かな国は化石燃料をエネルギー源にして成し遂げた既得権を放棄しようとしない。貧国と富国との機会と既得権の格差はあまりにも大きく、両者間の利害齟齬の溝もそれだけ深い。講演では、国や地域間の公正な温室効果ガス排出権の割り当ての問題、国際条約の方向、既存の京都議定書やパリ協約、日韓の取り組み方について議論する。

 基調講演の後、日韓経済経営の未来志向の模索に係わり、日中韓の立場から3名の発表を行う。本学会が多様な専門の学者達が幅広い分野の話題を議論するだけに、今回の発表も違う視点から未来志向について模索する。共通論題の最初の山田恭子(近畿大学)氏は、「誠信交隣 - 文化理解と知新精神」について発表を行う。その見出しとして言えることは、「日韓関係において最も大切なことは先入観を持たず信頼関係を築くこと」であろう。それは、すなわち雨森芳洲の提唱する「誠信交隣」であると言えよう。「誠信交隣」とは一言で言うならば、「互いに欺かず、争わず、真実をもって交わること」である。雨森芳洲はとりわけ、事実を文書記録し保管することや文化理解の大切さを述べている。その見方は、現代の日韓経済経営における国際戦略にも通じるところがあろう。



 上記の発表の後、村上研一(中央大学)氏と鄭炳武(ジョンビョンム、コットンネ大学校)氏が 討論者として登壇し、討論やコメントを行う。活発な共通論題の講演・発表・討論になることを願いたい。東アジアにおいては、社会科学としての学術研究を探求するものとして、相互尊重・対等平等の基本的立場の前提のもとに未来志向の形で関係改善を展望することが求められている。日韓中の共生と東アジアの安定と成長に貢献する様々な未来志向の視点を豊かに語れるシンポジウムとしたい。


Finding the Future Direction of the Economy and Business Administration in Japan and Korea

Joong-Ho Kook
President of The Japan Association for East-Asian Business and Economic Studies
Translated by Yewon Chang
Prizewinner of the Yale Review of International Studies Essay Contest

 Under the influence of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the International Conference of The Japan Association for East-Asian Business and Economic Studies (EABES) 2021 was held through a ZOOM meeting following the previous year. Amid the unpredictability of the COVID-19 crisis, there is an increasing need for the materialization or framing of innumerable issues such as climate change on a global scale, the quick progress of DX (digital transformation), the conversion of the form of corporate governance, the development of renewable energy, the emergence of and regulations regarding massive platform companies, and the response of the global fiscal and financial systems. Among various issues, the common thesis of this year’s conference has the title of “Finding the future direction of the economy and business administration in Japan and Korea”. A keynote speech and three research papers were presented at the conference.
 Professor Biung-Ghi Ju (Seoul National University)’s keynote speech on “Climate Emergency and Just transition” establishes climate emergency as a result of excessive greenhouse gas emissions as an instance of the tragedy of the commons and recognizes the situation as that of the “prisoner’s dilemma,” which cannot be solved without the existence of an international organization with compulsory political power. Many unwealthy countries find the utilization of fossil fuels in production inevitable for achieving economic development. Wealthier countries who consume these products are determined not to yield the opportunities and advantages they have obtained through securing fossil fuels as energy sources at their earlier stages. The disparity between rich and poor countries is extensive, as is the depth of crack of the conflict of interest between the two sides. The speech discusses the fair allocation of greenhouse gas emission permits between countries and regions, the direction of international agreements, the existing Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement, and the handling method of Japan and Korea.
 Succeeding the keynote speech, three presentations were given on the pursuit of future directions for the economy and business administration in Japan and Korea in the perspective of Japan, China and Korea. As this conference has allowed various expert scholars to discuss topics on a wide range of academic fields, these presentations looked for desirable directions toward the future through different distinguished perspectives. First, on the common thesis, Professor Kyoko Yamada (Kindai University) gave a speech on “Sincerity Business relationship between Japan and Korea – Cultural Understanding and the New Spirit of Developing New Idea.” This title expresses that “the most important factor in the Japan-Korea relations is forging a relationship of trust without any bias.” This, in other words, can be defined as the ‘Sincerity Business relationship,’ as coined by Amenomori Hoshu. The ‘Sincerity Business relationship’ can be explained as “associating truthfully with one another without deception or argument.” Amenomori Hoshu especially stresses the importance of recording the truth and saving it in documents, as well as cultural understanding. This perspective will offer many positive effects on the international strategy in terms of the economic and business issues of contemporary Japan and Korea.
 The second presenter on the common thesis was Professor Jianan Chen (Chuo University), who spoke about “The possibility of deepening economic relations between Japan and South Korea from the perspective of China.” The main focus of the speech was the examination about the fundamental conditions for Japan and Korea’s economic cooperation. In particular, the presentation went through the industrial cooperation status of Japan and Korea and pointed out that industrial development collaboration and economic growth promotion effects as a consequence of the two countries’ close cooperation did not come into effect in East Asia. In addition, there was an analysis of the factors behind constraints of the two countries’ industrial cooperation and look for prospects and policies that deepened Japan and Korea’s economic relations.
 Lastly, Professor Hong-Bae Lee (Donguei University) presented his research on “Ripple Effects and Solutions from Korea-Japan Export Restriction.” Ever since Japan restricted the export of semiconductors (materials, components, and equipment) to Korea in August 2019, the unprecedented decrease in economic cooperation between the two countries as well as the interaction among private sectors is an ongoing crisis. In consequence, the negative influence on each country’s materials, components and equipment related to semiconductors and other industries has increased. The presentation offers an empirical analysis of the effects that the trade dispute following export restrictions holds over each country’s economy and firms. As the negative effects can be severed due to the lengthened trade dispute as a result of the trade regulations, solutions for this issue should also be considered.
 After the presentation above, Professors Kenichi Murakami (Chuo University) and Byong-Moo Jung (Catholic Kkottongnae University) discussed those presentations as debaters and exchanged viewpoints. As we expected, the lectures, presentations and debates on the common thesis were very active and powerful. In East Asia, when it comes to conducting academic research on the social sciences, the efforts for an improved relations under the fundamental principles of mutual respect and equality are very important. I could confirm that the symposium provided a stage for an abundant discussion of future oriented perspectives that contributed to the symbiosis between Japan, China and Korea and the stability and growth of East Asia.
At course of the conference, while it was difficult to predict when the COVID-19 crisis would be over, our conference will work towards exchanging academic research on “Finding the future direction of the economy and business administration in Japan and Korea” and social contribution. The International Conference of EABES 2021 has planned on taking other independent theses, not only the aforementioned keynote speech and common thesis. I think the plan of the conference effectively provided for a platform of research presentation. It goes without saying that the success of the conference is dependent on the academy members and invitees of this symposium. I highly appreciate their beneficial cooperation. We will also make every effort for fruitful conferences in the future.



<日 程>

8月21日(土)13:00 ~ 18:00

開場  12:45

開会のあいさつ  13:00 

 鞠重鎬 (横浜市立大学教授・東アジア経済経営学会会長)


共通論題    : 13:05~15:20

総会      :15:20~15:45

休憩      :15:45~16:00(自由論題セッションへ移動)

自由論題分科会  : 16:00~17:45

閉会のあいさつ: 鳥居伸好(中央大学・本学会副会長)


オンライン懇親会 : 17:45~18:00

(オプション)懇親会続き ~18:30

共通論題 (13:05~15:20)


  • 共通論題シンポジウム登壇者・報告者・討論者

         司会:鞠 重鎬(東アジア経済経営学会会長)

  • 講演と報告(13:05~14:30)

 13:05-13:30 基調講演: 朱 丙起(ジュ ビョンギ, Biung-Ghi Ju)(ソウル大学校)

             「Climate Emergency and Just Transition」(英語による発表)


 共通論題報告 ① 山田恭子(近畿大学)「誠信交隣 ― 文化理解と知新精神 ―」 


 共通論題報告 ② 陳 建安(チン ケンアン)(中央大学)「中国から見た日韓経済関係深化の可能性」


 共通論題報告 ③ 李鴻培(イ ホンベ)(東義大学校)「韓日間輸出規制の波及影響と解決方案」

 14:30-14:35 休憩

  • 討論と質疑応答

 14:35-14:45 討論者: 村上研一 (中央大学)

 14:45-14:55 討論者: 鄭炳武(ジョン ビョンム)(コットンネ大学校)

  • 全体質疑と総評(14:55~15:20) 


  総評: 笠井信幸(アジア経済文化研究所)

  • 15:20~15:45 総会     
  • 15:45~16:00 休憩(自由論題分科会へ移動)     
  • 16:00~17:45 自由論題分科会

  • 自由論題分科会 16:00~17:45   (報告時間:発表20分、討論等10分)

ZOOMのURL ・ID ・パスワード は共通論題と同一(ブレークアウトセッション)


辺成祐 (byun@bus.kindai.ac.jp)


座長: 金奉吉(富山大学)

16:05 ~ 16:35稲葉 和也
山口県における中小企業に対する事業承継施策吉元 浩二
16:40 ~ 17:10前原 ひとみ
内橋 賢悟
17:15 ~ 17:45金 弘錫
稲葉 和也


座長: 笠井信幸(アジア経済文化研究所)

16:05 ~ 16:35金 明中
新型コロナウイルスが企業の人事・労務管理に与えた影響とテレワーク実施の決定要因に対する分析安 煕卓
16:40 ~ 17:10丁 圏鎭
ソーシャルイノ―ベーションにおける個人と組織の役割黄 八洙
17:15 ~ 17:45吉村 さくら
コロナ禍における労働相談のケース分析金 明中



16:05 ~ 16:35洪 聖協
李 精
16:40 ~ 17:10USUKI Tomoaki
(Akita University)
A study on the impact of COVID 19
on local SMEs in Akita Prefecture
小熊 仁


座長: 鳥居伸好(中央大学)

16:05 ~ 16:35金 泰旭
韓 尚眞
鳥居 伸好
16:40 ~ 17:10管野 啓一
(中国・対外 経済貿易大学)

「第5セッション」 韓日経商学会特別セッション

座長: 韓基早(東義大学校)

16:05 ~ 16:35白 寅秀
康 宇鎭
16:40 ~ 17:10安 兌爀
金 龍珉
17:15 ~ 17:45丁 海植
申 英愛

17:45 全体のZOOMに戻る

  • 閉会のあいさつ: 鳥居伸好(中央大学・本学会副会長


  • 17:45~18:00 オンライン懇親会
